Again Again (Audiobook)

By E. Lockhart
Narrators Narrated by Tavia Gilbert Edition

Exclusive library edition

Publisher Penguin Random House Imprint Listening Library ISBN


Again Again (Audiobook)

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If you could live your life again, what would you do differently?

After a near-fatal family catastrophe and an unexpected romantic upheaval, Adelaide Buchwald finds herself catapulted into a summer of wild possibility, during which she will fall in and out of love a thousand times—while finally confronting the secrets she keeps, her ideas about love, and the weird grandiosity of the human mind.

A raw, funny story that will surprise you over and over, Again Again gives us an indelible heroine grappling with the terrible and wonderful problem of loving other people.
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Audiobooks Mature Young Adult12 (Grades 11 & Up)

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