Arctic: Wild World: Habitats Day and Night

Series Wild World By Brenna Maloney

Hardcover edition

Publisher Scholastic Imprint Scholastic Press ISBN


Arctic: Wild World: Habitats Day and Night

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How are day and night different in each of the main habitats on Earth? Discover it with this series of books!

The Arctic is a cold and unusual place. There are six months of daylight and six months of darkness. How does this affect the creatures that live there? What do animals such as polar bears, walruses, and reindeers do during the long Arctic days and nights? Learn about the Arctic habitat while you follow its natural cycle in this beautiful book!
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Series Nonfiction: Science K-2 (Grades K-2)

Series Nonfiction Science Grades K-2

Series Nonfiction: Science K-2 (Grades K-2)

For Grades K-2

These 12 stimulating and attractive works introduce animals and other features of the natural and man-made world in an easy-to-understand and exciting way. They are the best titles from the best science series handpicked by experienced School Library Journal editors.

12 books per Year
$312.24 per Year

Animals, Beginning Readers, Nonfiction, Science/STEAM

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