Birthright Citizenship

Series Immigration Issues By Allman, Toney

Library edition

Publisher ReferencePoint Press Imprint ReferencePoint Press ISBN


Birthright Citizenship

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Birthright citizenship has become an integral part of the larger immigration debate because it is perceived by some as a policy ripe for abuse, as well as a potential threat to American society and culture. The origins of American birthright citizenship and the 14th Amendment are explored, along with the debate about the role it plays in illegal immigration, the phenomenon of birth tourism, and the controversy over maintaining or restricting current policy.
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Series Nonfiction: Social Studies 6-8 (Grades 6-8)

Series NonfictionSocial Studies Grades 6-8

Series Nonfiction: Social Studies 6-8 (Grades 6-8)

For Grades 6-8

Children exploring family, community, and global life will appreciate these 12 thoughtful examinations that cover issues from the personal to the international, and are often accompanied by stories of kids just like them.

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