Defining and Discussing Freedom of the Press

Series Shaping the Debate By Christy Mihaly

Library edition

Publisher Rourke Educational Media Imprint Rourke Educational Media ISBN


Defining and Discussing Freedom of the Press

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Recent events have shone a bright spotlight on the news media, including “fake news,” internet trolls, and attacks on journalists. This book describes the history of the right to freedom of the press, how the constitution protects reporters, and what happens in places where the press is not free.

The "Shaping the Debate" series is designed to help readers in grades 5-9 understand social issues from multiple viewpoints and to articulate their own opinions. Each book in this series explains the title issue and how it affects people and policy; introduces people and movements involved in bringing awareness to the issue; highlights applicable major U.S. laws, judicial decisions, and progressive to moderate to conservative viewpoints; and touches on global implications of activism, awareness, and policy change.
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Series Nonfiction: Social Studies 6-8 (Grades 6-8)

Series NonfictionSocial Studies Grades 6-8

Series Nonfiction: Social Studies 6-8 (Grades 6-8)

For Grades 6-8

Children exploring family, community, and global life will appreciate these 12 thoughtful examinations that cover issues from the personal to the international, and are often accompanied by stories of kids just like them.

12 books per Year
$312.24 per Year

Biographies, Diversity, Nonfiction

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