Duet: Our Journey in Song with the Northern Mockingbird

By Phillip Hoose

Hardcover edition

Publisher Macmillan Imprint Farrar, Straus & Giroux ISBN


Duet: Our Journey in Song with the Northern Mockingbird

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The story of the impactful partnership between humans and mockingbirds, both scientifically and culturally over the centuries, written for young adults by award-winning nonfiction powerhouse Phil Hoose.

Over the past fifty years, North America has seen its bird population decline by 50%. Yet in spite of exploitation, near-extinction, and a changing climate, the Northern mockingbird has survived—singing its distinct songs through it all. What has allowed this species to stand trial after trial? The answer lies in the remarkable alliance this bird has formed with humanity: the mockingbird has adapted uniquely to our evolution, our developments, our worst mistakes, our highest art. In the meantime, the Mockingbird has become a cultural touchstone and a scientific marvel.

DUET is the story of this little-known partnership between humans and mockingbirds. It gives name and voice to forgotten players in the mockingbird's story. And it is a case study in courage, resiliency, and the power of song.
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Series Nonfiction: Science 6-8 (Grades 6-8)

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