Exploring Our Schools

Series Data in Your World By Courtney Koestler, Mathew Felton-Koestler

Library edition

Publisher Rourke Educational Media Imprint Connections ISBN


Exploring Our Schools

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Data In Your World, Exploring Our Schools explores data that is relevant to students' school lives, making for an instant connection with the reader. Written by Ohio University professors, the book covers data related to school funding, race and ethnicity in schools, and internet accessibility among different groups of students. The charts and graphs throughout the book help students understand the data, and questions encourage students to connect the data to their own lives.
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Series Nonfiction: Social Studies 6-8 (Grades 6-8)

Series NonfictionSocial Studies Grades 6-8

Series Nonfiction: Social Studies 6-8 (Grades 6-8)

For Grades 6-8

Children exploring family, community, and global life will appreciate these 12 thoughtful examinations that cover issues from the personal to the international, and are often accompanied by stories of kids just like them.

12 books per Year
$312.24 per Year

Biographies, Diversity, Nonfiction

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