Famous Finds and Finders: Searching for the Past

By Tom Velcovsky, Stepanka Sekaninova
Illustrators Illustrated by Adam Wolf Edition

Hardcover edition

Publisher Albatros Media Imprint Albatros ISBN


Famous Finds and Finders: Searching for the Past

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This engaging book for young adventurers features 40 historical discoveries, from tiny artifacts to entire cities, including the people and circumstances behind their uncovering.

In Famous Finds and Finders, young readers are taken on an adventurous journey back through time as they learn about the field of archeology and its role in uncovering the secrets of our past. Emphasizing the importance of preserving and recording moments in history, it encourages children to consider their own place in the ongoing story of humanity.

Kids will also learn about the tools and techniques (from crude to state-of-the-art) that archeologists and paleontologists use, as well as about the challenges they face in uncovering fragments of the past buried in the ground or under the ocean.
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Nonfiction History (Grades 6-8)

Series Nonfiction History Grades 6-8

Nonfiction History (Grades 6-8)

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