From Here to There: Inventions That Changed the Way the World Moves

By Vivian Kirkfield
Illustrators Illustrated by Gilbert Ford Edition

Hardcover edition

Publisher Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Imprint Houghton Mifflin Harcourt ISBN


From Here to There: Inventions That Changed the Way the World Moves

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Celebrating the invention of vehicles, this collective biography tells the inspiring stories of the visionaries who changed the way we move across air, water, and land. Perfect for fans of Mistakes that Worked and Girls Think of Everything.

In a time when people believed flying was impossible, Joseph and Etienne Montgolfier proved that the sky wasn’t the limit. When most thought horseback was the only way to race, Bertha and Karl Benz fired up their engines. From the invention of the bicycle and the passenger steam locomotive, to the first liquid-fuel propelled rocket and industrial robot, inventors across the world have redefined travel. Filled with informative sidebars and colorful illustrations, this collective biography tells the story of the experiments, failures, and successes of visionaries who changed the way the world moves.

Selected time line. “Build Your Dream.” Source notes. Selected bibliography, with archival images. Index. Full-color watercolor and digital illustrations. 
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