From Your Table to the World

Series Food Tour By Jen Breach

Library edition

Publisher Rourke Educational Media Imprint Rourke Educational Media ISBN


From Your Table to the World

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Introduce your child to different food traditions and how they work their way into different cultures across the world in the children's book From Your Table to the World.

What part of the world did your favorite food originate from? Learn about the history of migration, food trade, and culture, and how it impacts the dishes you eat (and love!) today.
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Series Nonfiction: History 3-5 (Grades 3-5)

Series Nonfiction History Grades 3-5

Series Nonfiction: History 3-5 (Grades 3-5)

For Grades 3-5

Students learning about their relationship to the past will enjoy these 12 engaging, easy-to-understand discussions of important people and events from history. Carefully selected by the editors of School Library Journal, these titles are the best books from the best nonfiction series.

12 books per Year
$312.24 per Year

Biographies, Diversity, Nonfiction

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