Henry and the Something New

By Jenn Bailey
Illustrators Illustrated by Mika Song Edition

Hardcover edition

Publisher Chronicle Books Imprint Chronicle ISBN


Henry and the Something New

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Henry, a young boy with autism goes on a class field trip to the natural history museum, with instructions to find something new. From the creators of A Friend for Henry and Henry, Like Always comes a delightful beginning chapter book about embracing new experiences, starring a sweet and sensitive child on the autism spectrum.

It's Field Trip Day! Henry's class is excited to visit the museum, but Henry is not so sure. The museum means maybe seeing dinosaurs, Henry's favorite. But it also means a lot of things that are new: a noisy school bus ride, a building full of echoes and hallways, and plenty of chances to get lost! Will he find something that makes all of this new worth the trip? Come along with Henry in this funny, bighearted tale about trying new things, exploring new places, and finding the courage to make yourself heard.
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