How It Happened! Skateboards: The Cool Stories and Facts Behind Every Trick

Series How It Happened By Paige Towler

Hardcover edition

Publisher Union Square & Co. Imprint Union Square & Co. ISBN


How It Happened! Skateboards: The Cool Stories and Facts Behind Every Trick

Whether you’re attempting your first ollie or have perfected railsides, everyone can agree: skateboarding is seriously fun!

Did you know that skateboarding used to be called sidewalk surfing and the sport can trace its roots back centuries? Or that today there are more than 3,000 skate parks in the US alone? Get ready to soar through the story of skateboarding from the science behind the decks to the history of the cool tricks skateboarders continue to create . . . and everything in between!
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Series Nonfiction: Social Studies 6-8 (Grades 6-8)

Series NonfictionSocial Studies Grades 6-8

Series Nonfiction: Social Studies 6-8 (Grades 6-8)

For Grades 6-8

Children exploring family, community, and global life will appreciate these 12 thoughtful examinations that cover issues from the personal to the international, and are often accompanied by stories of kids just like them.

12 books per Year
$312.24 per Year

Biographies, Diversity, Nonfiction

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