How to Catch a Bogle

Series How to Catch a Bogle Trilogy By Catherine Jinks

Hardcover edition

Publisher Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Imprint Harcourt ISBN


Awards and Honors Booklist 2013 Lasting Connections, Language Arts; Publishers Weekly Best Books of 2013, Children’s Fiction; Kirkus Reviews Best Children’s Books of 2013; Booklist Editor’s Choice: Books for Youth, 2013, Fiction; ALA 2014 Notable Children’s Books, Middle Readers; BooklistTop 10 Books for Youth 2014, SF/Fantasy/Horror

How to Catch a Bogle

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With all the child-eating monsters cropping up around Victorian London, Alfred the Bogler and his apprentice, orphan Birdie McAdam, have their hands full. Glossary. Black-and-white illustrations.
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