Innovators Feeding the Planet

Series Earth's Innovators By Robyn Hardyman

Library edition

Publisher Rosen Publishing Imprint Lucent Press ISBN


Innovators Feeding the Planet

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Food is a very important part of life, but many people around the world spend their days hungry and malnourished. How can this problem be solved? Men and women around the world have come up with creative ways to feed the planet, and readers are sure to be captivated by the tales of their discoveries and inventions. As readers explore the exciting main text, sidebars, and full-color photographs, they also learn that science, technology, engineering, and math skills can be used for more than just passing tests; these skills can help the world.
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Series Nonfiction: Social Studies 6-8 (Grades 6-8)

Series NonfictionSocial Studies Grades 6-8

Series Nonfiction: Social Studies 6-8 (Grades 6-8)

For Grades 6-8

Children exploring family, community, and global life will appreciate these 12 thoughtful examinations that cover issues from the personal to the international, and are often accompanied by stories of kids just like them.

12 books per Year
$312.24 per Year

Biographies, Diversity, Nonfiction

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