Kids Speak Out About Education

Series Kids Speak Out By Schwab, Chris

Library edition

Publisher Rourke Educational Media Imprint Discovery Library ISBN


Kids Speak Out About Education

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Learn about some incredible kids who have worked to make sure every child has access to a good education and what you can do to join them! This book provides an introduction to the importance of schooling and highlights youth advocates for education around the world. Education helps kids have a bright future, but all around the world, there are some kids without access to a good education. How can we help? By speaking out!
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Series Nonfiction: Social Studies K-2 (Grades K-2)

Series Nonfiction Social Studies Grades K-2

Series Nonfiction: Social Studies K-2 (Grades K-2)

For Grades K-2

These 12 absorbing early readers support lessons on community awareness, beginning history topics, biography, and other topics of interest to our youngest citizens. They are the best titles from the best social studies series handpicked by experienced School Library Journal editors.

12 books per Year
$312.24 per Year

Beginning Readers, Character/Good Citizenship, Nonfiction

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