King & Kayla and the Case of the Found Fred

Series King & Kayla By Dori Hilstead Butler
Illustrators Illustrated by Nancy Meyers Edition

Hardcover edition

Publisher Peachtree Publishers Imprint Peachtree ISBN


Awards and Honors SLJ Best Books - 2019
CPL Best Books - 2019

King & Kayla and the Case of the Found Fred

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King, Kayla, and Grandma find a dog who has lost his human family.
What does Kayla know?—This dog doesn’t have a collar or any tags. He can sit, lie down, and shake hands. No one around here knows who he is.
What does King know? —The dog’s family is staying at a campground.
Can they figure out who he is and where his family is?

Full-color illustrations were drawn in pencil, with color added digitally.
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