Learning to Be Wild (A Young Reader's Adaptation): How Animals Achieve Peace, Create Beauty, and Raise Families

By Carl Safina

Hardcover edition

Publisher Macmillan Imprint Roaring Brook ISBN


Learning to Be Wild (A Young Reader's Adaptation): How Animals Achieve Peace, Create Beauty, and Raise Families

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Medical: Animal Anatomy/Reproduction

From New York Times–bestselling author Carl Safina comes a young readers adaptation of the notable book Becoming Wild that explores community, culture, and belonging through chimpanzees, macaws, and sperm whales.

What do chimpanzees, macaws, and whales all have in common?

Some believe that culture is strictly a human phenomenon. But that's not true! Culture is passed down from parent to child in all sorts of animal communities. It is the common ground that three very different animals— chimps, macaws, and whales—all share!

Peek behind the curtain of life on Earth, to witness through the lives of chimpanzees in Uganda, scarlet macaws in Peru, and sperm whales in the Caribbean how they—and we—are all connected.

A smart, accessible, superbly fascinating look into the lives of three distinct animals we share the Earth with, by New York Times–bestselling and award-winning author Carl Safina.

Selected bibliography. Index. Black-and-white photographs.
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Gr 6 Up-Some things are inherited from generation to generation, like genes. Other things are learned by culture. Every group has a culture, be it humans, chimpanzees, macaws, or sperm whales. Adapted from ecologist Safina's Becoming Wild, this book is divided into the same three parts, but presented in a different order: Achieving Peace, Creating Beauty, and Raising Families. The short, direct sentences intersperse Safina's travels with research, which allows for smooth, easy-to-follow reading. The case for protecting animals-and their cultures-is strong throughout the text, as Safina demonstrates what is lost when culture is threatened or disappears altogether. Animal-loving readers will enjoy the storytelling and photographs that bring further life to the people and creatures introduced in the book. However, there are some missed opportunities to make the text more relatable to a younger audience. Analogies such as "a pressure cooker waiting to explode" or lamenting a time before the information age, something digital natives might not grasp, may alienate some of the intended audience. The lack of back matter or suggested reading might make it a difficult sell as a research aide for students. VERDICT Scientists-in-the-making will enjoy this glimpse into future possibilities.-Elissa Cooperα(c) Copyright 2011. Library Journals LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Media Source, Inc. No redistribution permitted.

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