Life During the Crusades

Series Living History By Stuart A. Kallen

Library edition

Publisher ReferencePoint Press Imprint Reference Point ISBN


Life During the Crusades

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“What then should I recount first and what last of those things dared at that time by these murderous men?” lamented a Byzantine court official after the defilement of Constantinople in 1204. Opening with a time line of important events and an introductory explanation of the Crusades, this book paints a realistic, harsh picture of a dark time in Western history. Students will be fascinated by the life of the crusaders as they suffered from all kinds of attacks and ailments, and resorted to tactics such as survival cannibalism in their quest to claim the holy cities and create a better life for themselves. Throughout, “Words in Context” boxes define challenging vocabulary, while “Looking Back” and “In Their Own Words” text boxes excerpt primary sources. A map and occasional reproductions of historical artwork add visual interest. Back matter includes source notes, books and Web sites for further research, and an index.
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Nonfiction History (Grades 6-8)

Series Nonfiction History Grades 6-8

Nonfiction History (Grades 6-8)

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