Love to Everyone

By Hilary McKay

Hardcover edition

Publisher Simon & Schuster Imprint Aladdin ISBN


Awards and Honors BCCB Blue Ribbons - 2018
Horn Book Fanfare - 2018

Love to Everyone

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Language: Mild Language,Violence: War/Harsh Realities of War

Clarry Penrose finds the good in everyone. Even in her father, who isn’t fond of children, and especially girls. He doesn’t worry about her education, because he knows she won’t need it. It’s the early twentieth century, and the only thing girls are expected to do is behave.

But Clarry longs for a life of her own. She wants to dive off cliffs and go swimming with her brother Peter and cousin Rupert. And more than anything, she wants an education. She helps Peter with his homework all the time, so why can’t she manage it by herself? When war breaks out, Clarry is shocked to find that Rupert has enlisted. Then he is declared missing, and Clarry is devastated. Now she must take a momentous step into the wide world—for if she misses this chance, she may never make it.

This is an inspirational, funny, and heartwarming story about a girl who dares to open doors that the world would rather keep closed.
Author’s note. Bibliography.
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