Major Taylor

Series Leaders Like Us By Miller, J.P.

Library edition

Publisher Rourke Educational Media Imprint Discovery Library ISBN


Major Taylor

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In this illustrated biography, elementary-aged readers will learn about the early life and greatest accomplishments of an important African American leader in sports, Major Taylor. "Major" loved to ride his bike. He raced and did tricks, winning award after award. He became one of the best bicycle racers in the United States in just a few years. What happened to this amazing athlete? In this high-interest reader, you'll discover fascinating facts about this important historical figure.
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Series Nonfiction: History 3-5 (Grades 3-5)

Series Nonfiction History Grades 3-5

Series Nonfiction: History 3-5 (Grades 3-5)

For Grades 3-5

Students learning about their relationship to the past will enjoy these 12 engaging, easy-to-understand discussions of important people and events from history. Carefully selected by the editors of School Library Journal, these titles are the best books from the best nonfiction series.

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Biographies, Diversity, Nonfiction

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