Nana Akua Goes to School

By Tricia Elam Walker
Illustrators Illustrated by April Harrison Edition

Library edition with trade jacket added

Publisher Penguin Random House Imprint Schwartz & Wade ISBN


Awards and Honors 2021 Malka Penn Award for Human Rights in Children's Literature - Honor Book

Nana Akua Goes to School

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It is Grandparents Day at Zura’s elementary school, and the students are excited to introduce their grandparents and share what makes them special. Aleja’s grandfather is a fisherman. Bisou’s grandmother is a dentist. But Zura’s Nana, who is her favorite person in the world, looks a little different from other grandmas. Nana Akua was raised in Ghana, and, following an old West African tradition, has tribal markings on her face.

Worried that her classmates will be scared of Nana—or worse, make fun of her—Zura is hesitant to bring her to school. Nana Akua knows what to do, though. With a quilt of traditional African symbols and a bit of face paint, Nana Akua is able to explain what makes her special, and to make all of Zura’s classmates feel special, too.

Adinkra symbols and their meanings. Author’s note. Glossary. Sources. Full-color illustrations were rendered in mixed-media collage.

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