On All Other Nights: A Passover Celebration in 14 Stories

By Chris Baron, Naomi Milliner, Joshua S. Levy

Hardcover edition

Publisher Abrams Imprint Abrams ISBN


On All Other Nights: A Passover Celebration in 14 Stories

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Discrimination: Ableism,Discrimination: Gender Identity,Discrimination: Religious,Discrimination: Xenophobia,Social Issue: Slavery in Historical Context,Violence: Mild Violence

On All Other Nights is a joyful middle-grade anthology centered around Passover—from an exciting array of bestselling and award-winning Jewish creators!

Welcome to Passover, a Jewish holiday that has been celebrated for thousands of years. The heart of Passover is the seder—a meal full of rituals, special foods, and songs—where we gather together to retell the story of the Exodus, when the Jewish people achieved freedom from Egypt.

And yet this story is about more than the ancient past. The seder’s themes of freedom, joy, tradition, and more, are timeless and universal, for all.

In this unprecedented collection of short stories, 14 bestselling and award-winning authors each reimagine a different step of the seder for today’s young readers. Through historical and contemporary fiction, verse and prose, fiction and nonfiction, these gifted writers from different Jewish traditions and backgrounds gather around the seder table and invite everyone to join them.

Note to the reader. "How Is This Anthology Different from All Other Anthologies?" Recipes. Black-and-white illustrations.
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