Piece by Piece: Ernestine's Gift for President Roosevelt

By Lupe Ruiz-Flores
Illustrators Illustrated by Anna López Real Edition

Library edition

Publisher Lerner Imprint Millbrook Press ISBN


Piece by Piece: Ernestine's Gift for President Roosevelt

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During the Great Depression, Ernestine Guerrero's family didn't have much.

The Mexican American teen was so grateful for the government food aid they received in San Antonio, Texas, that she wanted to personally thank President Roosevelt. But how? After seeing the plans for a very difficult woodworking project, she decided she would make it herself and send it to the president. Piece by piece, that's exactly what she did. And the clock case she built remains on display in the Roosevelt Presidential Library to this day.

With stunning illustrations from Anna López Real, this picture book tells the inspiring true story of a girl who proved that if you look closely, treasure can be found in unexpected places.
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