Technical Professionals

Series Careers in the US Military By Miller, J. P.

Library edition

Publisher Rourke Educational Media Imprint Rourke Educational Media ISBN


Technical Professionals

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Having special sets of skills is a huge part of having a working military. Many jobs require years of education on top of military training. In Careers in the US Military: Technical Professionals, this high-interest nonfiction book for young readers, you'll learn about these jobs and what it takes to be great at them, including stories from military members themselves.

The Careers in the US Military series explores some of the familiar (and surprising!) careers in the US military. The military contains over 1 million members in a variety of branches, but what exactly are their jobs? Let's find out! This high-interest text for striving readers is filled with facts and photos. Glossary words are defined on the page where they appear, boosting reader comprehension! Also included are after-reading questions and activities for more learning.
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