The Case of the Poached Painting

Series Pigeon Private Detectives By Christee Curran-Bauer

Hardcover edition

Publisher Union Square & Co. Imprint Union Square & Co. ISBN


The Case of the Poached Painting

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The Museum of Food Art is in a state of panic! A priceless painting was pilfered in the middle of the night. Fortunately, the Pigeon Private Detectives—PPD for short—are on the scene. These three detectives crave cracking a good case almost as much as they like snacks. But can they catch a thief who appears to be a master of disguise?

Once again, author-illustrator Christee Curran-Bauer pokes fun at detective procedurals with kid-friendly humor, as she did in book one of the series, The Case of the Missing Tarts
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