The Lucky Poor

Written and illustrated by Mazie Lovie


Publisher Iron Circus Comics Imprint Iron Circus Comics ISBN


The Lucky Poor

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Mazie's family has been offered a fantastic gift: their very own, brand-new house, built for them by Habitat for Humanity. But it's a present that comes with a number of strings attached, and soon, they'll learn just how many problems even a new home can't fix.

An inside look at inequality and second chances, struggle and hope, hard work and charity, The Lucky Poor is the incredible true story of one life-changing event, and every unexpected thing that happens next.
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Hi-Lo PG Middle/High (Grades 6-12)

Hi-Lo PG Middle/High

Hi-Lo PG Middle/High (Grades 6-12)

For Grades 6-12

Entertaining, age-appropriate topics combined with short chapters and simple sentences make the 12 books in this category interesting and accessible to teens who struggle to read. For middle and high school students who prefer titles without edgy content.

12 books per Year
$175.08 per Year

Chapter Books/Novels, ESL, Fiction, Reluctant Readers, Transitional Readers, Realistic Fiction

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