The Sculptors of Light

By Margarita Engle
Illustrators Illustrated by Cecilia Puglesi Edition

Hardcover edition

Publisher Reycraft Books Imprint Reycraft Books ISBN


The Sculptors of Light

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From folk art to photography, architecture to painting, sculpture to music, female Cuban artists have long gone unnoticed on a global scale.

This poetry collection highlights the lives and legacies of eight Cuban women who have redefined art in their communities.

Cuba's "folk art," like the population, is a combination of Indigenous, Spanish, West African, and Chinese elements. For hundreds of years, women and girls with Taíno and Ciboney
ancestors have blended Native skills with arts from Spain, Africa, and

China to make objects of grace and strength. It's often impossible to say

whether lace, embroidery, or ceramics were made by one artisan or

another, because names were not signed, fame was not claimed, and

men called the art of their wives and daughters by smaller labels:

handicrafts, tradition, folk art, or women's work.

This poetry book celebrates these unnamed artists.

Selected further reading. Full-color
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Gr 3-5-A collection of verses on Cuban women artists that trades comprehensiveness for sparkling depth. Eleven poems of varying forms showcase the achievements of their subjects across a variety of disciplines, including handcraft, photography, sculpture, and more. Engle has selected artists that range from the historical to the contemporary, demonstrating that flourishing artistic traditions in Cuba have from deep roots. Each selection is accompanied by a note on the chosen poetic form and another on the artist's historical context. A bibliography at the end provides a starting point for further reading. However, this is no dry scholarly text. Puglesi's lush, full-color art frames Engle's poems with movement and energy, so that each page feels like encountering a vivid moment in time. Through the power of naming, Engle aims to illuminate the achievements of women artists who may have been historically diminished due to anonymity, lack of opportunity, and prejudice. Where appropriate, she affirms the artists' cultural and racial identities, as well as any political intentions in their art. Through this intersectional approach, Engle skillfully balances the individual achievements of each artist with how they figure into broader history, opening up opportunities for rich conversations about why art is important and who determines what art is worthwhile. VERDICT Engle's thoughtful, lovely collection is a gift to anyone who has an interest in the breadth of women's artistic achievements. Much to savor. Highly recommended.-Kate Stadtα(c) Copyright 2011. Library Journals LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Media Source, Inc. No redistribution permitted.

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