Tu Youyou

Series Women in Science By Eboch. M.M.

Library edition

Publisher Rourke Educational Media Imprint Discovery Library ISBN


Tu Youyou

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Tu Youyou is a unique scientist. She is an expert in traditional Chinese medicine and modern medicine. When China needed someone to solve their problem with malaria, Youyou was the perfect person for the job. She mixed old medicine with new science and saved many lives, later earning her a Nobel Prize. Her story inspires young people today to enjoy science.

The Women in Science and Technology series introduces students to influential women in science and technology. From astronauts to medical doctors, these biographies highlight the accomplishments, dedication, and passion that drove these women to succeed. Each book includes a glossary, comprehension questions, and further reading suggestions.
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Series Nonfiction: History 3-5 (Grades 3-5)

Series Nonfiction History Grades 3-5

Series Nonfiction: History 3-5 (Grades 3-5)

For Grades 3-5

Students learning about their relationship to the past will enjoy these 12 engaging, easy-to-understand discussions of important people and events from history. Carefully selected by the editors of School Library Journal, these titles are the best books from the best nonfiction series.

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