Understanding the Path to Citizenship

Series Sequence American Government By Spengler, Kremena

Library edition

Publisher Amicus Imprint Amicus ISBN


Understanding the Path to Citizenship

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How does the U.S. government work? What processes are needed to create a new law, become a citizen, or elect a president? With a running timeline on each spread, each book in this series clearly explains the basic workings of our government to inspire our future leaders. This book for elementary readers highlights the sequence of events from idea to implementation. Full-color photographs and a timeline support each step in the process, from first arrival in the U.S. through the application process, interview and final ceremony.
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Series Nonfiction: Social Studies K-2 (Grades K-2)

Series Nonfiction Social Studies Grades K-2

Series Nonfiction: Social Studies K-2 (Grades K-2)

For Grades K-2

These 12 absorbing early readers support lessons on community awareness, beginning history topics, biography, and other topics of interest to our youngest citizens. They are the best titles from the best social studies series handpicked by experienced School Library Journal editors.

12 books per Year
$312.24 per Year

Beginning Readers, Character/Good Citizenship, Nonfiction

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